Edgarley News, Updates and Annoucements
News Categories
Job Opportunities – Environmental Service Workers & Chef/Hospitality Manager
Chef/Hospitality Manager (Full Time) Management both catering/domestic Minimum cert 3 in commercial Cookery Food Safety Supervisor certificate preferred but not essential For job description and application form Contact Edgarley Assisted Living 03 5581 1211...
Influenza & COVID Vaccinations 2023
COVID update 5 December 2022
Hi To All Family Members and NOK’sPlease find the following information regarding COVID update sent out by the Aged CareQuality and Safety Commission regarding the latest COVID wave. Many ThanksTrish McKenzie IPC Lead
COVID update 14 November 2022
Hi To All Family Members and NOK’s Please find the following information regarding COVID exposure positive case at Edgarley Assisted Living. As of today, the facility has had no further residents positive COVID cases, so we are able to close this exposure down. We...
COVID Requirements for visitations 19/10/2022
Hi To All Family Members and NOK’s As you are aware the government and the DOH have changed the requirements for COVID-19 positive cases. It is no longer a legal requirement for people to isolate in the public setting. The requirement for aged care visiting still...
COVID update 27 September 2022
Hi To All Family Members and NOK’s Please find the following information regarding COVID exposure positive case at Edgarley Assisted Living. As of today, the facility has had no further positive COVID cases, so we are able to close this exposure down. Family Members,...
COVID update
Hi To All Family Members and NOK’s Please find the following information regarding COVID positive cases at Edgarley Assisted Living. As of this morning the facility has one positive resident in the Wannon wing. All COVID precautions have been put in place to help...
COVID outbreak update
Hi To All NOK and family members. Just giving you an update re COVID Outbreak. As of today, 27/07/2022 the facility has had no further reports of positive COVID in residents or staff for the last seven days. As of today, the facility has now closed down the outbreak....
Changes to Visitation at Edgarley 27 June 2022
Hi To All Family Members and NOK’s, Please find the following information regarding changes to the visitation at Edgarley Assisted Living. There will no longer be a limit on visitor numbers to Edgarley Assisted Living. The following still applies for entry...