Respite Care Services

Respite Care Services

Respite care provides short term care when you need it and you are planning to return to your own home. It can be used to recuperate from a hospital stay, in an emergency, if you are ill or to help when your family members or carers are away.

Before moving into Edgarley Assisted Living, residents seeking respite care are required to have an Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS). The ACASS is conducted by an independent body that assesses a person for the level of care that require. The assessment will look at whether the person has carers, activity limitations and assistance, medical conditions and general life style.

The results of the assessment indicate the level of respite care the person needs. For respite it can be either high or low level respite care.

Respite residents receive the same level of care and services as those residents entering aged care on a permanent basis. Respite residents pay the daily care fee only and do not have to pay a bond or be charged an accommodation fee or income tested fee.

In most cases, a person can have up to 63 days of respite care in a financial year. However if the ACAS thinks it is necessary, extensions of up to 21 days at a time are possible. This will need to be negotiated with the ACAS team and Centrelink/Department of Health and Ageing.

Residents who hold Gold or White Cards are eligible for respite under the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) umbrella. The government will pay a subsidy to an Australian Government-funded aged care facility for up to 63 days in a financial year for people who have been assessed as needing respite care in a residential setting. In addition to this subsidy, DVA will pay the basic daily care fee for up to 28 days of the 63 days in a financial year.

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