Edgarley News, Updates and Annoucements

COVID update 14 November 2022

November 15, 2022 | General News, News For Relatives

Hi To All Family Members and NOK’s

Please find the following information regarding COVID exposure positive case at Edgarley Assisted Living.  As of today, the facility has had no further residents positive COVID cases, so we are able to close this exposure down.

We currently still have 4 staff members absent due to being COVID positive. These staff members are due to return to work later in the week and next week providing they are non-symptomatic.

Due to the increase in COVID cases in the community we ask that when you are visiting the facility, please ensure you have attended a RAT test prior or attend to at facility before entry. If you have any signs or symptoms of COVID19, can you please not visit as there is still a risk that you may be positive or have some form of virus.

We want to protect the resident as much as possible as they are the most vulnerable, we understand that it is not possible to prevent COVID19 all together getting into the facility.

Family Members, NOK’s will be able to return wear surgical masks when visiting the facility.  There will also be available NP95 mask if you wish to wear them.

Also, if possible, can you please pass onto any friends that may wish to visit this information.

We will continue to update you of further if we have positive cases.

Please if you have any question or concerns relating to this email, please contact me at the facility.

Many Thanks

Trish McKenzie IPC Lead